Opioid Detox – What, Why and How?

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Opioid Withdrawal – Symptoms, Signs and How Long Does It Last?

Eleanor Brooks 04/29/2024

Opioids are used for a few things in medicine, and the most important of them is pain treatment. However, opiates are very addictive, even if used under supervision. And risks grow to the sky if they are abused. When someone dependent on opioids suddenly reduces or stops their use, this person gets an opioid withdrawal….

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Opioid Epidemic in the United States – Causes, Impact, and Response

Eleanor Brooks 04/25/2024

The opioid crisis in America is the deadliest drug epidemic that has taken people’s lives for more than two decades. More than 111,000 people died from a drug overdose only in 2023, which exceeds the number of victims of car crashes and gunshots in the United States. What Drugs Are Considered as Opioids? Opioids are a class of…

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Opioid Addiction Treatment – What to Expect in Rehab

Eleanor Brooks 04/19/2024

Over 2.1 million people in the US and over 16 million people globally suffer from Opioid addiction. Comprehensive opioid addiction treatment might also involve the use of medications in these rehab centers and support from family and friends. Opioid overdose is responsible for over 120,000 and 47,000 deaths globally and in the United States respectively….

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How Long Do Opioids Stay in Your System: Insights and Facts

Eleanor Brooks 09/26/2023

How long do opioids stay in your system? Here we take a look at opioids, and how they affect metabolism in users, especially answers to questions such as how long methadone stays in urine. Also, we take a look at the different tests or treatment programs that are usually done to detect opioids in one’s…