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Methadone Take Home Bottle Recall
The intent of Bottle Recall initially was to be able to allow patients take home medication and to insure that methadone is not diverted to the streets. However, methadone programs have been giving patients take home medication for years without a serious methadone diversion problem. Furthermore numerous studies have demonstrated that methadone is not a…
Blind Dosing
Methadone maintenance treatment has been the most effective treatment for addiction to heroin resulting the cessation of heroin use and criminal behavior. Prior to the development of methadone maintenance treatment over 28 years ago narcotic addiction was considered incurable and a behavioral disorder under the control of law enforcement. Drs. Dole and Nyswander brought the…
MARS Medicated Assisted Recovery Services Project
The peer facilitated Medication Assisted Recovery Services Project (MARS) is a collaboration between the National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (NAMA) and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM), Division of Substance Abuse (DoSA). MARS is located in the Bronx, NY and will provide peer recovery support services to patients at AECOM’s Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs….
Grievance Report
Is Your Program Punitive? Fill Out a Grievance Report — It’s Time To Educate Them! Does Your Program Treat Patients With Dignity? Fill Out a Compliment Report — Let Them Know They are Appreciated! The Grievance Report Project is an ongoing project used to educate the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) community about quality treatment. Programs…
Denying Methadone Patients Medical Care
The bias and misunderstandings about methadone as a medication often result in methadone patients being refused medical care (Umbricht-Schneiter, 1994; Zweben and Sorensen, 1988). Another common scenario is that their medication is used to coerce or manipulate methadone patients into medical treatment (Blansfield, 1992). In other areas of medicine such actions would be considered unethical…
Diluting Methadone To Liquid Form – Practice, Negative Impact, Diversion
The dilution of methadone with water was initiated as a result of the first federal methadone regulations because it was believed that this policy would reduce the diversion of methadone. While initially this policy may have had an impact within a short time most prospective buyers learning that methadone was now diluted with water and…