Does Methadone Maintenance Get You High and What Is It Used For?

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Does Methadone Maintenance Get You High and What Is It Used For?

Eleanor Brooks 06/08/2024

Methadone is a synthetic opioid. It is widely used in medicine for pain relief and the treatment of various “severe” addictions as a replacement therapy. Methadone is included in medical programs all over the world. On the one hand, it could be an extremely potent medication, but on the other hand, uncontrolled use leads to…

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Can Methadone Cause Weight Gain? Reasons and How to Deal with Changes

Eleanor Brooks 05/24/2024

The body and the brain go through numerous changes during the process of drug abuse and recovery. One of them is a weight change. In this article, you will find an answer to the questions “What does methadone do to your body over time?” and “Does methadone make you gain weight?” What Is Methadone? Methadone is an…

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Switching from Methadone to Suboxone — Reasons and Tips How to Switch

Eleanor Brooks 05/14/2024

Both Methadone and Suboxone are used as medications in national treatment programs for opioid use disorders. They efficiently eliminate precipitated withdrawal and drug cravings and normalize brain functions. However, these medications are different in their effects on the brain and prescribing policies, and sometimes patients want to switch. If switching from Suboxone to methadone is…

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Methadone Opioid — Its Synthetic Status and Agonist Properties

Eleanor Brooks 05/07/2024

Opium poppy plants naturally produce a substance that people mimic or derive to create the class of medications known as opioids, which offer pain relief. You might be wondering, how is methadone an opioid? Methadone is a synthetic medication that acts on the same receptor as natural opioids. Its action helps to create relief from…

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Methadone and Pregnancy — Safety, Risks, and Effects

Eleanor Brooks 04/25/2024

It is essential that we ensure the safety of both maternal and fetal health, rather than leaving it to chance. As a precaution, the risks of methadone and pregnancy must be carefully assessed to minimize any harm. Methadone is an opioid agonist used as an analgesic, mostly to replace natural opioids, especially in cases of…

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Methadone Dosing — Starting, Average, and Max Dose

Eleanor Brooks 04/23/2024

Methadone is a common chronic pain management and opioid addiction treatment drug. Starting with the right methadone dose is crucial for fighting the addiction, along with other treatment options. Methadone is a drug that acts on the brain, causing neuronal changes; hence, it is highly addictive and has side effects. Even though it reduces substance…

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Methadone for Pain Management — Starting Doses, Max Limits, and Prescribers

Eleanor Brooks 04/22/2024

Methadone is an opioid agonist that simulates the action of opioids in pain management. Methadone for pain can help to replace the use of opioids while conditioning the body to move away from opioid addiction. It can effectively relieve different types of pain including post-procedural, cancer-related, neuropathic, and nociceptive pain. The nature of pain meds…

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Methadone Overdose — Signs, Symptoms, and Risks

Eleanor Brooks 04/22/2024

Methadone overdose occurs when the medication exceeds the recommended methadone dosage either accidentally or intentionally. Methadone is a long-acting opioid agonist commonly used with an individualistic program to treat opioid overdose and addiction. Its mechanism of action allows it to be effective for pain management, especially in individuals who need painkillers and are addicted to…

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Methadone Addiction – What are the Symptoms and Warning Signs?

Eleanor Brooks 04/05/2024

Methadone was first created during World War II, as an alternative to morphine. But what is methadone used for now? It is used for the treatment of Opioid dependence and (medical detox) pain management medicine. Even though it is a safe medication, it still has an addiction-forming potential, being an opioid category drug. Therefore, people…

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Methadone Treatment – What to Expect, How it Works, and Where to Find Help

Eleanor Brooks 04/03/2024

Methadone is a synthetic opioid used to help individuals with natural opioid addiction, especially heroin. However, methadone treatment and rehab have been a common finding as one-third of individuals who use opiate-pain killers, die from an overdose of methadone due to its addiction. The rate at which this is happening has stimulated more research on…