In Memory of John Mordaunt

John Mordaunt was a tireless advocate of HIV infected drug users.
He was the first HIV+ drug user to be shown on national television in his
country, England. Mordaunt helped to found the British advocacy organization
for HIV infected drug users called Frontliners and was active with
the European Interest Group on Drug Policy, a European umbrella
organization for user groups. In spite of his illness Mordaunt accomplished
an incredible amount of work as a champion for the civil liber ties of
drug users. In 1990 upon learning of NAMA Mordaunt wrote to us with his
encouragement and how methadone had given him the chance to have a normal
life. The letter was published in a small newsletter that proceeded The
Ombudsman, called NAMA New s & Notes.

John Mordaunt devoted the last years of his life to making changes,
his energy and presence will be missed.


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