Ways to Help NAMA Recovery

How can I help NAMA-R?

Here’s how.


Sounds simple really especially when patients, family, professionals, policy makers, state methadone authorities, students and so on depend on NAMA for information and help. But for some reason many think that others will do it or they forget. NAMA depends on membership dues to pay for the phone, website and things we need to operate. It is barely enough. No one is paid a salary at NAMA so your money goes directly to furthering medication assisted treatment advocacy and helping patients.

Now that should give you some warm feelings.

Join Here.

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Help NAMA-R grow by expanding the Membership.

You can tell patients about NAMA-R.

And healthcare professionals too.

And get them all to join.

Go to Print a Membership Form

Make a Donation

Making a traditional donation is easy. You can make a one time donation or decide to make monthly or quarterly donations.

Do it electronically or send a check or money order the old tried and true way of snail mail.

Go to Make a Donation

Shopping at iGive

What is iGive?

It’s a Virtual Shopping Mall with just about every major store on the Internet. Register for NAMA and when you shop at the mall a percentage of your purchase is donated to NAMA. Find out how you can help NAMA.

Buy NAMA-R Merchandise

A percentage of your purchase will go to NAMA-R and you can get some nice NAMA-R things.

Go to the  NAMA-R Store

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