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What is Alcoholics Anonymous?
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
AA meetings in North Carolina provide a supportive environment for those struggling with alcohol addiction. Attendance at meetings is voluntary and free of charge.
Faith Community Church
- 821 Buck Jones Road, Raleigh, NC 27606
- Meetings Daily at 8:00 pm.
- Open discussion meeting.
Unity Church
- 401 E Arrowood Road, Charlotte, NC 28217
- Meetings take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6:30 pm.
- Closed meetings.
Central United Methodist Church
- 27 Church St, Asheville, NC 28801
- Meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon.
- Open speaker meetings.
The 12 Steps of AA
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) outlines a 12-step program to help members achieve and maintain sobriety. The steps aim to motivate members toward positive change across North Carolina.
Getting Started with AA in North Carolina
Use the meeting search on to find local meetings in your area. Both in-person and online/virtual meetings are available in most places across North Carolina.
Attending Your First Local AA Meeting
There are two main types of AA meetings in North Carolina:
- Open meetings – Anyone is welcome to attend, including those who are curious about AA. These are good first meetings for newcomers.
- Closed meetings – Only those who have a desire to stop drinking may attend. These meetings go deeper into the AA program and steps.
When attending your first local North Carolina AA meeting:
- Arrive early and introduce yourself as a new local member
- Share your experiences if you feel comfortable
You may receive welcome keychain tags marking sobriety milestones:
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 1 year
- 18 months
- Years 2-30